cleansing pad中文什么意思

发音:   用"cleansing pad"造句
  • cleansing:    n. 1.〔古语〕清洁化,净化。 2 ...
  • pad:    n. (量水果、鱼等用的)篮子,篓子 ...
  • pad:    n. 1.(防摩擦用的)衬垫,垫料, ...
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  1. Exfoliating and pore purifying cleansing pad opens clogged pores , improves skin clarity and reduces the appearance of acne for a healthy , smooth complexion
  2. These dual - textured cleansing pads , moistened with foaming skin - conditioning cleansers and natural soy , help even out skin tone and texture for brighter , naturally radiant skin
  3. These dual - textured cleansing pads are pre - moistened with a blemish fighting ingredient to help clear and prevent breakouts and moisture - rich soy to improve skin ' s clarity and help even out tone and texture , but not over - dry your skin


  1. cleansing medium 什么意思
  2. cleansing milk 什么意思
  3. cleansing milk for toilet purposes 什么意思
  4. cleansing mixture 什么意思
  5. cleansing oil 什么意思
  6. cleansing power 什么意思
  7. cleansing purposes water 什么意思
  8. cleansing rain 什么意思
  9. cleansing solution 什么意思
  10. cleansing solution for removable denture 什么意思


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